We will be playing this Friday April 10th at the Tractor Tavern in Seattle...again, we share the stage with one of my favorite singer/songwriters miss Marissa Nadler (Boston,Mass)...if you don't know of her now, you will soon enough. Her music is like medicine to me-it protects me from that strange web of indifference and complacency that can so easily creep into ones heart on a day to day level, if the proper measures are not taken...Whiting Tennis is real special too...with strange and beautiful songs, he is also a painter (an amazing one at that!) Anyway, as far as our band...we will be playing some brand new material and also some stuff off of the latest EP "Gentleness Of Nothing"-primarily the more epic stuff we have been avoiding in the past, we are now fully embracing. This WILL be the last show in Seattle for a long while as we need to make this next record...i'm not just saying this...so please come out for this celebration of sorts....as we strive to become something else, we also dearly hold onto what is is we have been for so long. all my best-Jesse Sykes