
Oh Sweet Nuthin'

Thursday, April 05, 2007

well, well....well - it seems that as soon as we finally decide to commit to a cover tune, everybody and their brother's fuckin' uncle have done it as well. At least we were a little more thoughtful than doing "I wanna be your Dog" by the Stooges! Guess we're not as alt-country as some folks thought we were! SXSW was a blast.....I think my ears are still pounding from the loud-ass bands that weren't so good. I enjoyed Elvis Perkins...............I guess that's about it - Oh, and of course everyone at the Barsuk party.

We've been home for a little more than a week....played a great night with Sadies up in Bellingham.....the most amazing band in North America.....God bless you folks up there. Jennifer O'Conner was along as well, making the nights she played with us memorable indeed. The Tractor shows proved to be the highlight of our year so far.....we've come a long ways since the days of sitting down.

Lookout Europe....we are rolling with wheels of thunder.


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