sitting here in a bar in Brussels waiting for the crew to show up,its a rainey Seattle kind of day...will be taking a ferry to London this evening.Anyway, got word on the passing of a dear old friend of mine and its been difficult to greive while on the road-i cant possibly do her justice in the brief moments that i have to wright today- but to anyone who also shared a love for Lara Kellogg my heart is with you.If you want to see how loved and respected she was go to ....she died in a moutain climbing accident in Alaska,fell from the end of her REAL feelings are posted under the heading "remembering stregth and devotion"along with so many other peoples on this site cuz as i said,this quick note is an insult to her. R.I.P Lara....i will always love you and i will always be in awe of you. jesse(Brussells)

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